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Selected Publications

* indicates trainee,    indicates equal contributions 


Continuing Professional Development Needs in Pain Management for Canadian Health Care Professionals: A Cross Sectional Survey. 

Dale CM, Cioffi I, Novak CB, Gorospe F, Murphy L, Chugh D, Watt-Watson J, Stevens B.Can


Ultrasound-Guided Repetitive Pulsed Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation Provides Pain Relief in Refractory Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: A Case Report. 

Khan JS, Westwood D, Moayedi M.

Canadian Jouranl of Pain

Identification of Central Amygdala and Trigeminal Motor Nucleus Connectivity in Humans: An Ultra-High Field Diffusion MRI Study. 

Kaya B, Geha P, de Araujo I, Cioffi I, Moayedi M.

Human Brain Mapping

Effect of Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation on Acute and Chronic Pain After Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 

Park S, Park R, Westwood D, Moayedi M, Khan JS.


Insula-cingulate structural and functional connectivity: an ultra-high field MRI study

Matthew A Cormie, Batu Kaya, Georgia E Hadjis, Pedram Mouseli, Massieh Moayedi

Cerebral Cortex

Age-Related Effects on the Anterior and Posterior Hippocampal Volumes in 6-21 Year Olds: A Model Selection Approach. 

Ayoub LJ*, Zhu J, Lee SJ, Mugisha N, Patel K, Duerden EG, Stinson J, Verriotis M, Noel M, Kong D, Moayedi M, McAndrews MP.



Impact of Stress and Trait Anxiety on the Sensory and Jaw Motor Responses to a Tonic Orofacial Nociceptive Stimulus. 

Chow JC, Chiodini P, Michelotti A, Ohrbach R, Cioffi I.

Journal of Oral Facial Pain and Headache

Short-term Effects of a First-Line Treatment Including Counseling and Self-Management Strategies on Chronic TMD Muscle Pain and Awake Bruxism in Women. 

Donnarumma V, Michelotti A, Cimino R, Vollaro S, Cioffi I

Journal of Oral Facial Pain and Headache

Pain Relief Reverses Hippocampal Abnormalities in Trigeminal Neuralgia. 

Noorani A, Hung PS, Zhang JY, Sohng K, Laperriere N, Moayedi M, Hodaie M.


Hippocampal Volume, FKBP5 Genetic Risk Alleles, and Childhood Trauma Interact to Increase Vulnerability to Chronic Multisite Musculoskeletal Pain. 

Lobo JJ, Ayoub LJ*, Moayedi M, Linnstaedt SD.

Scientific Reports

Effectiveness of the Lorodent Probiotic Lozenge in Reducing Plaque and Streptococcus mutans Levels in Orthodontic Patients: A Double-Blind Randomized Control Trial. 

Ebrahim F, Malek S, James K, MacDonald K, Cadieux P, Burton J, Cioffi I, Lévesque C, Gong SG.

Frontiers in Oral Health.

Signature for Pain Recovery IN Teens (SPRINT): Protocol for a Multisite Prospective Signature Study in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. 

Simons L, Moayedi M, Coghill RC, Stinson J, Angst MS, Aghaeepour N, Gaudilliere B, King CD, López-Solà M, Hoeppli ME, Biggs E, Ganio E, Williams SE, Goldschneider KR, Campbell F, Ruskin D, Krane EJ, Walker S, Rush G, Heirich M.

BMJ Open

Ten-Year Mixed-Method Evaluation of Prelicensure Health Professional Student Self-Reported Learning in an Interfaculty Pain Curriculum. 

Dale CM, Cioffi I, Murphy L, Langlois S, Musa R, Stevens B.

Pain Reports

Amygdalar Functional Connectivity Differences Associated With Reduced Pain Intensity in Pediatric Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. 

Verriotis M, Sorger C, Peters J, Ayoub LJ*, Seunarine KK, Clark CA, Walker SM, Moayedi M.

Frontiers in Pain Research

Identification of central amygdala and trigeminal motor nucleus connectivity in humans: An ultra-high field diffusion MRI study 

Kaya, B.*, Geha, P., de Araujo, I., Cioffi, I., Moayedi, M.

Human Brain Mapping


Evaluation of masticatory muscle response to clear aligner therapy using ambulatory electromyographic recording

Lou T, Tran J, Castroflorio T, Tassi A, Cioffi I.

Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

The Structural and Functional Connectivity Neural Underpinnings of Body Image. 

Moayedi M, Noroozbahari N, Hadjis G*, Themelis K, Salomons TV, Newport R, S Lewis

Human Brain Mapping

Cage-lid Hanging Behavior as a Translationally Relevant Measure of Pain in Mice. 

Zhang H, Lecker I, Collymore C, Dokova A, Pham MC, Rosen SF, Crawhall-Duk H, Zain M, Valencia M, Filippini HF, Li J, D'Souza AJ, Cho C, Michailidis V, Whissell PD, Patel I, Steenland HW, Virginia Lee WJ, Moayedi M, Sterley TL, Bains JS, Stratton JA, Matyas JR, Biernaskie J, Dubins D, Vukobradovic I, Bezginov A, Flenniken AM, Martin LJ, Mogil JS, Bonin RP.


Structural abnormalities in the temporalis musculo-aponeurotic complex in chronic muscular temporomandibular disorders.

Moayedi M, Krishnamoorthy G*, He PT, Agur A, Weissman-Fogel I, Tenenbaum HC, Lam EWN, Davis KD, Henderson L, Cioffi I.



Music Modulates Awake Bruxism in Chronic Painful Temporomandibular Disorders

Imbriglio TV, Moayedi M, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Thaut M, Cioffi I.


Cage-lid hanging behavior as a translationally relevant measure of pain in mice

Zhang H, Lecker I, Collymore C, Dokova A, Pham MC, Rosen SF, Crawhall-Duk H, Zain M, Valencia M, Filippini HF, Li J, D'Souza AJ, Cho C, Michailidis V, Whissell PD, Patel I, Steenland HW, Virginia Lee WJ*, Moayedi M, Sterley TL, Bains JS, Stratton JA, Matyas JR, Biernaskie J, Dubins D, Vukobradovic I, Bezginov A, Flenniken AM, Martin LJ, Mogil JS, Bonin RP.


The effects of physical photostimulable phosphor plate artifacts on the radiologic interpretation of periapical inflammatory disease

Thang TST*, Kishen A, Moayedi M, Tyrrell PN, Zhao W, Perschbacher SE.

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol

Ultralow-frequency neural entrainment to pain.

Guo Y, Bufacchi RJ, Novembre G, Kilintari M, Moayedi M, Hu L, Iannetti GD.

PLoS Biology

The feasibility and acceptability of research magnetic resonance imaging in adolescents with moderate-severe neuropathic pain.

Verriotis M, Moayedi M, Sorger C*, Peters J, Seunarine K, Clark CA, Walker SM.

PAIN Reports

Impact of clear aligner therapy on tooth pain and masticatory muscle soreness.

Tran J, Lou T, Nebiolo B, Castroflorio T, Tassi A, Cioffi I.

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation

Impact of post-orthodontic dental occlusion on masticatory performance and chewing efficiency

Shim J, Ho KCJ, Shim BC, Metaxas A, Somogyi-Ganss E, Di Sipio R, Cioffi I.

European Journal of Orthodontics

Masseter Deoxygenation in Adults at Risk for Temporomandibular Disorders

Shah N, Melo L, Reid WD, Cioffi I.

Journal of Dental Research

The medial temporal lobe in nociception: a meta-analytic and functional connectivity study

Ayoub LJ*, Barnett A, Leboucher A*, Golosky M*, McAndrews MP, Seminowicz DA, Moayedi M.



Jaw muscle activity patterns in women with chronic TMD myalgia during standardized clenching and chewing tasks.

Valentino R, Cioffi I, Vollaro S, Cimino R, Baiano R, Michelotti A.



Pain Neuroimaging in Humans: A Primer for Beginners and Non-Imagers

Moayedi M, Salomons TV, Atlas LY.

Journal of Pain

Modulation of Jaw Muscle Motor Response and Wake-Time Parafunctional Tooth Clenching With Music

Cioffi I, Sobhani M, Tenenbaum HC, Howard A, Freeman BV, Thaut M.

Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache

Effects of clear aligners on sleep bruxism: randomized controlled trial.

Castroflorio T, Bargellini A, Lucchese A, Manuelli M, Casasco F, Cugliari G, Cioffi I, Deregibus A.

Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents

Frequency of daytime tooth clenching episodes in individuals affected by masticatory muscle pain and pain-free controls during standardized ability tasks

Cioffi I, Landino D, Donnarumma V, Castroflorio T, Lobbezoo F, Michelotti A.

Clinical Oral Investigations

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in acute and chronic pain

Seminowicz DA, Moayedi M.

Journal of Pain

Effect of weather on temporal pain patterns in patients with temporomandibular disorders and migraine

Cioffi I, Farella M, Chiodini P, Ammendola L, Capuozzo R, Klain C, Vollaro S, Michelotti A.

Journal of Oral Rehabilitation


Effect of somatosensory amplification and trait anxiety on experimentally induced orthodontic pain

Cioffi I, Michelotti A, Perrotta S, Chiodini P, Ohrbach R.

European Journal of Oral Sciences


Nociceptive-Evoked Potentials Are Sensitive to Behaviorally Relevant Stimulus Displacements in Egocentric Coordinates

Moayedi M, Di Stefano G, Stubbs MT, Djeugam B, Liang M, Iannetti GD.


Alpha and gamma oscillation amplitudes synergistically predict the perception of forthcoming nociceptive stimuli

Tu Y, Zhang Z, Tan A, Peng W, Hung YS, Moayedi M, Iannetti GD, Hu L.

Human Brain Mapping 


Distinct hippocampal functional networks revealed by tractography-based parcellation

Adnan A , Barnett A , Moayedi M, McCormick C, Cohn M, McAndrews MP.

Brain Structure and Function

Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal polar cortex

Moayedi M, Salomons TV, Dunlop KA, Downar J, Davis KD.

Brain Structure and Function

Laser-Evoked Vertex Potentials Predict Defensive Motor Actions

Moayedi M, Liang M, Sim AL, Hu L, Haggard P, Iannetti GD.

Cerebral Cortex

Short-Term Sensorimotor Effects of Experimental Occlusal Interferences on the Wake-Time Masseter Muscle Activity of Females with Masticatory Muscle Pain

Cioffi I, Farella M, Festa P, Martina R, Palla S, Michelotti A.

Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache



Enhanced Medial Prefrontal-Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity in Chronic Pain and Its Association with Pain Rumination

Kucyi A, Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Davis KD.

The Journal of Neuroscience

Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal polar cortex

Moayedi M, Salomons TV, Dunlop KA, Downar J, Davis KD.

Brain Structure and Function


Beyond metaphor: contrasting mechanisms of social and physical pain

Iannetti GD, Salomons TV, Moayedi M, Mouraux A, Davis KD.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Theories of pain: from specificity to gate control

Moayedi M, Davis KD.

Journal of Neurophysiology

Macroscopic analysis of human masseter compartments assessed by magnetic resonance imaging

Cioffi I, Gallo LM, Palla S, Erni S, Farella M.

Cells Tissue Organs


Central Mechanisms of Pain Revealed Through Functional and Structural MRI

Davis KD, Moayedi M.

Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology


Abnormal gray matter aging in chronic pain patients

Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I, Salomons TV, Crawley AP, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Davis KD.

Brain Research

White matter brain and trigeminal nerve abnormalities in temporomandibular disorder

Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I, Salomons TV, Crawley AP, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Davis KD.


Perceived helplessness is associated with individual differences in the central motor output system

Salomons TV, Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Davis KD.

European Journal of Neuroscience


Contribution of chronic pain and neuroticism to abnormal forebrain gray matter in patients with temporomandibular disorder

Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I, Crawley AP, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Tenenbaum HC, Davis KD.


Is the Insula the “How Much” Intensity Coder?

Moayedi M, Weissman-Fogel I.

Journal of Neurophysiology

Abnormal cortical activity in patients with temporomandibular disorder evoked by cognitive and emotional tasks

Weissman-Fogel I, Moayedi M, Tenenbaum HC, Goldberg MB, Freeman BV, Davis KD.



Cognitive and default-mode resting state networks: do male and female brains "rest" differently?

Weissman-Fogel I, Moayedi M, Taylor KS, Pope G, Davis KD.

Human Brain Mapping


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